Pastor Sherman D. Manning, founder of YWCWC is known for feeding and housing the homeless on Skid Row. Pastor Manning takes pride in supporting the fight against homelessness. He is also in the trenches, conducting street warfare against homelessness daily. He is the founder and visionary leader of YWCWC and coined the famous phrase “Post-Traumatic STREET Disorder.” He has consulted with experts across the country in developing a program and a plan that aims to virtually empty Skid Row, the largest gathering of the homeless population in the world. He says we can change the world, starting on Skid Row.
The Yes We Can Podcast focuses on interviewing lawyers and issues which pertain to the homeless with over 3,800 viewers.
Pastor Manning hosts the largest feeding of hot meals to Los Angeles’ homeless people every Friday night at 7 PM after his sermon which is held at the Yes We Can! Worship Center, 5857 S.Central Ave.#180 Los Angeles California 90001. The Center is open Monday thru Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM.
Bishop Sherman D.Manning (and his team) with Cedric The Entertainer
For more information call (213) 858-2608 or visit social media sites at:
To Listen to the Podcast, visit:
About Pastor Sherman D. Manning
Pastor Sherman D. Manning was called into ministry at the age of 8 in his hometown of Atlanta Georgia. He was licensed to Preach at age 13 and ordained at 17. Pastor Manning traveled the country as an evangelist. Later, he went to prison. While in prison he studied himself, people, and God. In 2016, he organized the Yes We Can! Worship Center. His mission is to serve, and feeds catered meal to the homeless every Friday night at 7 pm. As a result of his prison experience, he produces a podcast from his home! Focusing on lawyers and also issues that pertain to the Homeless.
Media Contact and Media interviews:
Our Church Helps People
Pastor Sherman D. Manning Housing the Homeless
Pastor Sherman D. Manning-President YWCWC
We are proud to announce our Brand-New Emergency housing program for women and children! Coming soon....
We are opening a new emergency housing residential facility in South L.A....
Frustrated by the lack of action by politicians etc.
Pastor Manning has decided to open an independent program.
"We will provide emergency housing via our church" states the Pastor.
“We will offer seminars, workshops, bible study, groups and services that transforms the thinking and mental processes of our clients!
We will offer extraordinary housing...
Bill Ahmanson and the late Rev. Hosea Williams helped inspire this new program"
...If you know a homeless woman with or without children, please give them this number. 213-858-2608.
Mail Donations to: "Yes We Can! Worship Center
5857 S. Central Avenue Suite 180
Los Angeles, California 90001
Services Every Friday Night at 7:00PM Weekly
Need Pillows. Blankets. Sheets. Everything for women. And children
YWCWC and Teen Inventor on Skidrow!
L.A. Churches Present Mini-Homes to Skid Row Homeless